Welcome to Fluff N Flop Rabbitry
Here at Fluff N Flop Rabbitry we strive to provide healthy baby bunnies as a quality pet for your home. We specialize in Lionlops, which means our bunnies can be a variety of coats, ear, and color combos. Our bunnies will all grow to be between 2 - 4 pounds when full grown, and are acclimated to being handled by children and around dogs.

About Our Rabbits
Our rabbits are bred to be personal pets. These rabbits do not come with any pedigree. Our rabbits currently produce BEW (blue eyes white) and VM (Vienna marked) bunnies.
Our bucks and does generally live free range in our backyard. We alternate days that the does and bucks are allowed out of their cage so that we can prevent unwanted breeding. Only when we are ready to breed a pair will they be allowed to be outside together at the same time. Each rabbit we own has its own personal cage so that they have plenty of room.
We are not trying to be a bunny mill, and want our doe to enjoy life between her litters. Whenever a doe is pregnant or nursing she will receive special pampering in our indoor bunny area to ensure a calm experience, and best outcome for her litter.
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