Oreo's second litter

Published on 3 July 2023 at 02:46

As we prepare for the July 4th festivities it is wonderful to look back at how far we have come. Oreo had her second litter on May 18, 2023, comprised of 4 kits of various colorings:

Black- Coal, Gray- Flower, White- Windy, and Broken Gray- River.

River started as the runt of the litter, and did have to do supplemental feedings during the first weeks. But he took to the bottle well, and quickly caught up to his littermates in size. He was the calmest of the bunch, spending most of his days lounging around.

Flower was the largest of the litter, and that little boy ate like there was no tomorrow. Always first to the food bowl or giddily waiting for the hay to be refilled. But the beautiful gray coat with tiny white paws made him a household favorite during snuggle time.

Coal started off as one of the bigger kits, but when mama was ready to ween he protested severely. I think he drove Oreo to weening early, as you would constantly see him trying to nurse at all hours of the day. He wanted nothing to do with pellets or hay at first. Eventually he caved and got himself on a regular bunny diet, but he wasn't happy about it. Of all this litter he was the only one that didn't flop completely. Instead taking the helicopter ears as a favorite stance.

Windy was the only girl of her litter. This little girl was an escape artist like no other. Because of her, certain toys had to be removed every night to keep her from escaping her nursing pen. The escaping wasn't an issue, as much as her not being able to get back in. She also had such a terrible sleeping pose that on several occasions we honestly thought she had died. Like when she laid on her back in the litter box with her torso and head draped off onto the floor.

These bunnies have such great personalities, and are so sweet. Flower and River went to live with older siblings, and are being totally spoiled. While Coal and Windy went to new homes. We'll miss them, but in a few weeks the cycle will begin again. I can't wait to see what the third batch of bunnies will look like and how their personalities will develop.

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